Thursday, April 25, 2013

Waiting for warm weather.... in Nebraska.

This winter feels like it has been going on and on for years, but there is a glimmer of hope for Spring!  The grass is greening up nice, and growing, actually in need of a mowing.  I'm seeing small sprouts of flowers in my front flowerbed, songs of cute little birdies wake me up, and I find myself turning the heat off around mid day.  Not just down, but OFF!  How exciting!

I will admit, I am a bit lazy, but spring cleaning is something I usually look forward to.  The fresh clean feeling, and opening the windows to air out the stuffy feeling house after a long cold winter.  Not only clean out the winter.  Yesterday I shampooed my carpet in the main living area.  With three dogs in the house it really needed it.  It's not only a new, fresh beginning for the season, but also for DECOR!!  I love taking advantage of this time of the year to renew and refresh the look of the house.  I get bored with colors, and furniture placement far too easily.  And it is time for a new look.  While I try to be a Frugal Fanny, it will be a work in progress.  And I believe that even the smallest changes can really shift the focus of the eye, giving a fresh new look, and feel.

DIY projects is a pass time that I rather enjoy.  Though it has been far too long since I have actually made anything with my hands.  Warm Spring and Summer days give me hope that I am more driven to make something.  Warmer weather not only makes cause for outdoor fun and time wasting, but puppy play dates, and adoption events!  Which is something I am looking forward to.  Next weekend end I get to go show off our new foster Iggy, Chase.  He is such a charming, handsome older guy.  We honestly will miss him when he gets adopted.  He is so loving, and a little cooky.  Just the right amount of cooky to make him funny, and lovable.  Chase is so interested in mirrors, and will watch things behind him through the mirror.  Like it's an Alice in Wonderland type window.  And it is funny to watch him do it.

Here is sweet little Chase enjoying the one of the few warm sunny days we have had so far.  He was so cuddly that day, and I thoroughly loved his company this day.  Such a sweet love bug.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly! I had a question for you about possibly collaborating on something and was hoping you could email me back to discuss? Thanks so much!

    - Emma

    emmabanks9 (at) gmail (dot) com
